I usually keep my blog light and fluffy without a lot of opinions and feelings. However, today I want to talk about Proposition 8. I was anxious all night to hear the results of the Proposition in California. This morning I sat down at my computer and the first thing I did was check the polls. To my pleasant surprise the most recent results show that the majority of Californians have voted to ban same sex marriage. Wow!?! Who would have thought? I am so grateful for those who voted based on their moral beliefs and not on the popular trends of this generation. In my short life I have seen a rapid increase in the deterioration of values and moral beliefs and I have felt uncertainty for my children's future amid so much corruption. I know many of you can relate with my feelings and concerns as a parent. I feel a sacred responsibility to lead, teach and set the example of righteousness for my children so they will be armed with confidence and peace throughout their life. I have always known that this peace can only be found in my membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and through faith in my Savior. Even with that knowledge I have felt bombarded with opposition from all areas of life mainly the media. The media in all of it's forms; television, fashion styles, movies, hollywood, magazines and music, the internet and even the news. I have looked outside of family and friends and thought where have all of the good people gone? Where are the people that will oppose all of the ugliness on television and on our movie screens? Where are those that still believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman? Where are those that believe children should enter this world with two loving parents who are legally joined as husband and wife? I guess the answer to these questions is that the good people are still here and the proof is with Proposition 8. When it really mattered and our standards were called out on the carpet those who believe in the true definition of marriage responded and the prayers of so many were answered. I am grateful for the many who spent their time and money to get the Supreme Court decision overturned and the true sanctity of marriage restored to men and women. I am grateful to them for preserving all that is good in this world for my children and their future. Thank you everyone who helped on Prop 8 I am forever grateful to you.
3 days ago
I couldn't have echoed your words better. I was the same as you, I couldn't sleep very well early this morning, because I kept dreaming that it was one point off from loosing. So yes, it was the first thing I had to check this morning too!
Did you know that Florida and Arizona (and Alaska I think?) also banned gay marriage as well on this election ticket? So yes, I'm with you there are still people out there fighting for our same morals and beliefs!
Well put. I enjoy your blog! Got to go help the kids out of their snow clothes.
*This is a correction to my previous post. It was in Arkansas banning agains homosexual parents or single parents wanting to adopt children. I guess I need to learn my state abreiviations better! Please forgive me for my wrong information.
Instead of Alaska...
You have said it perfectly! Speaking for so many of us and what has been on our minds as well! What a scary sad world we are living in- I too find my peace in belonging to the True church and letting that be the guide for my family.
Hooray! I'm so happy to read your blog! So very cute, little Kennedy is about the most adorable little girl I've ever seen. I'm also thankful that you wrote this post. Definitely put into words what I am feeling.
I admire you Krista for being strong in this time. Not only with your standards and example, but with your opinions. Most people know what they believe and stand for, but are too afraid to admit it when faced with an opposing side. I am very proud and honored to have you as a friend!
Hey Krista! I found your blog thru Emily's Your fam is so cute! i totally agree with you! I am extremely grateful to all those people who spent so much time and money fighting for this!
I was so relieved to see that Prop 8 had passed as well. I was actually kind of surprised. I wasn't so sure that it would. Soooo greatful. Did you hear about the few thousand protesters at the LA temple? And I heard there were going to be protesters at Temple Square today. It makes me sick.
Thank you for your willingness to share your beliefs on such an emotionally loaded subject. We need more people like you. I am glad to have you as a friend and I support your comments 100%.
Krissie, You make me proud--I LOVE you and admire your strength and beautiful convictions. You're such a wonderful little mother and wife. Did you see Trevor's funny video on Anne's blog--you've got to see it.. . Love, Mom
Krista you said it all. Thank you for saying it so beautifully as well! I love your cute family photo. What a perfect little family :)
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