Thursday, July 3, 2008

Wild Sleeper!?!

The other morning I heard Kennady squawking in her bedroom. I went to get her and I found her smiling up a storm with her arm hanging out of her pjs. I'm not sure what she does while she's sleeping but it doesn't sound comfortable. I ran and found my camera because I thought it was pretty funny that she wiggled her little arm out of her sleeve. Uncomfortable or not she still slept through the night
without a peep! I love my "Wild Sleeper"!


Andee said...

Welcome to the BLOG FAMILY!!

Look at how ADORABLE she is! She is getting big!


Diana said...

Cute Kris! I love the sleeping picture of Kennady. That really is hillarious. Darling other pictures on your post! Cute. Cute. I'm glad to get your input on life! Hey, about traveling buddies...what about California next week? Are you in? :)